Noorwegen 2019

Oslo peacock fountain outside national thatre retired musicians playing in park celebrating ... IMG 6379
viking ship in viking ship museum thor heyerdahl raft ra ii diver statue typical bold dog
opera roof IMG 6454 Oslo fort guard IMG 6466
art to sit on IMG 6483 IMG 6484B geldwisselaars in tempel
IMG 6500b train station between Oslo and Bergen between Oslo and Bergen IMG 6565b
IMG 6585b Bergen trol Brygge
IMG 6640b IMG 6644b fish was everything Bryggen, Hanseatic buildings Bergen
IMG 6653 house of Grieg IMG 6677 IMG 6699
IMG 6705 IMG 6711 IMG 6722 IMG 6754
IMG 6769 IMG 6772 IMG 6779 IMG 6798
IMG 6819 IMG 6827 IMG 6832 IMG 6843
IMG 6849 IMG 6853 IMG 6868 Borgund Stave Church, staafkerk van Borgund, was built sometime between 1180 and 1250 A
IMG 6883 IMG 6897 Borgund Stave Church, belltower in front IMG 6921
IMG 6945 art in the middle of nowhere IMG 6973 IMG 6987
IMG 6989 IMG 6992 IMG 7015 newspaper delivery with boat
IMG 7041 IMG 7069 IMG 7083 IMG 7085
IMG 7102 IMG 7108 IMG 7112 IMG 7116
IMG 7125 IMG 7126 IMG 7131 IMG 7139
IMG 7150 IMG 7154 IMG 7155 IMG 7157
IMG 7158 IMG 7161 IMG 7170 IMG 7171
Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim statues in front, Adam and Eve Nidaros Cathedral, merchant gargoyles
gargoyle of man Kristiansten Fortress, Trondheim, from 1681 old storehouses at Nidelva river, Trondheim IMG 7258
IMG 7259 IMG 7269 celebrating the crossing of polar circle, poolcirkel postman for special stamp
IMG 7357 Bodø, stop on Hurtigruten (boat) Bodø Bodø, wallpainting of painting wall
Hurtigruten, the boat IMG 7409 lighthouse IMG 7474
lighthouse in rainy weather Kabelvag Church, biggest wooden church Norht Norway attention moose! IMG 7541
IMG 7545 IMG 7571 IMG 7584 IMG 7608
IMG 7615 IMG 7617 Nusfjord, Lofoten, fishing village IMG 7641
dried fish, stockfish, unsalted fish, especially cod, dried by cold air and wind on wooden racks IMG 7649 IMG 7661 IMG 7671
IMG 7676 IMG 7677 IMG 7682 IMG 7684
IMG 7685 stockfish, unsalted fish stockfish, unsalted fish IMG 7715
Å, Lofoten Å, Lofoten IMG 7733 IMG 7738
IMG 7742 IMG 7753 IMG 7757 IMG 7767
IMG 7779 IMG 7782 IMG 7784 IMG 7792
IMG 7796 IMG 7802 IMG 7812 IMG 7813
IMG 7815 IMG 7818 IMG 7822 IMG 7828
IMG 7835 IMG 7845 IMG 7848 IMG 7854
IMG 7858 IMG 7860 IMG 7881 IMG 7886
IMG 7887 IMG 7889 IMG 7915 puffins, birdexcursion from Bleik
the skipper IMG 7993 puffin Bleik
IMG 8046 Bleik, longest beach of Norway IMG 8055 Andenes, very colourfull
common tern, visdief, very protective of their nest IMG 8115 IMG 8116 Gryllefjord
IMG 8143 IMG 8172 IMG 8178 IMG 8184
IMG 8202 IMG 8211 IMG 8216 IMG 8224
interesting couple... IMG 8236 IMG 8243 IMG 8250
Troms IMG 8261 IMG 8263 IMG 8270
IMG 8275 IMG 8285 IMG 8287 IMG 8295
IMG 8298 IMG 8303 IMG 8309 IMG 8310
IMG 8314 IMG 8315 IMG 8349 IMG 8359
IMG 8384 IMG 8371 IMG 8379 IMG 8385
IMG 8453 IMG 8457 IMG 8464 IMG 8480
IMG 8483 IMG 8487 Oslo again Oslo, city hall,
IMG 8398 IMG 8405 IMG 8407 Oslo, city hall, outside, depictions of motifs from the Poetic Edda
IMG 8419 IMG 8426 Oslo, shopping on electronic step